Contact Us for a Free Consultation (800) 495-2819

California Expungement Law Only

We are the Original California Expungement Law Firm.  Our fees are reasonable, and competitive, and include all legal work, court costs, and court hearings.

We treat our clients as we would like to be treated. Each client receives individual attention, has their questions answered and participates in the decision-making process regarding their matter.

We provide expert expungement services and two decades of criminal law legal experience - not the lowest price. While our fees are competitive, your future is where the 'lowest bidder' may not be the best value.  Our fees include all legal work, filing fees, court costs, service of process, and Court appearances. You usually do not need to appear in court. There are no hidden costs; we provide a written agreement on all cases.

Some Attorneys with little experience (check their bar record, how long they have been practicing law, and ask them if they have ever done a criminal jury trial), as well as other sites that feature 'paralegals' or 'form fillers', now market expungement services on-line. Many of their websites are inaccurate, contain false promises, and reveal a real lack of experience in court. Check to see if the attorney and his or her experience are prominently listed on the site- if not there is probably a reason. Read the fine print - "Low Cost" expungement usually does not include the court costs you will pay. Remember that you are hiring a lawyer for a very important proceeding to your future, and carefully examine the experience and background of any attorney you employ.

Call or email for a free consultation. 


Most of our expungement services come with a money-back guarantee. Our fees are reasonable and competitive. Call 800 495 2819 or contact us through our site for a FREE Attorney / Law Firm consultation. This site is devoted ONLY to California Expungement Law and has handled more than 4000 California expungement cases over the past 25 years.
